Organically Grown Coffee

Our coffee beans are carefully nurtured using organic farming practices and certified organic by the USDA. We don't feature the USDA organic label on our packaging, since we are seperate brand dedicated to the art of roasting and selling these exceptional beans.

Here's the scoop: any roaster can source certified organically farmed coffee beans in their raw, green state. However, the transformation that occurs during the roasting process necessitates additional steps to maintain USDA organic certification. Specifically, to market coffee as USDA organic after roasting, it must undergo certification by a USDA-approved agent through the National Organic Program (NOP). This certification process can be both costly and labor-intensive.

While we may not carry the official USDA Organic seal on our products, rest assured that our organically grown beans originate from USDA Organic Certified farms. We take pride in delivering high-quality, responsibly cultivated beans straight to your cup.

Where we source our beans:


FARM/COOP:Producers organized through SA, a traditional farmer organization in upland Bali
ALTITUDE:1200-1600 M
REGIONKintamani Highlands of Central Bali
PROCESS:Hand-picked, wet-hulled, two-step sun drying on raised beds
VARIETAL:Bourbon, (S795 & USDA 762) Typica, and Catimor
SOILVolcanic Loam
CUPPING NOTES:Dark Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Nutty with Fruit undertones.

Sourced from family owned farms located in the Kintamani highlands on the island province of Bali, Indonesia. Coffee is grown in the volcanic soils of Mount Agung along with citrus trees that provide shade and another source of income. Coffee production is typically organized around a Subak Abian, which refers to the ecologically sustainable irrigation systems developed more than 1,000 years ago by Hindu priest who practice Tri Hita Karana (the three sources of prosperity), a philosophy focused on the harmonization between the environment, humans and God


PROCESS:Fully Washed and Sun Dried
VARIETAL:Caturra, Red and Yellow, Catuai, Bourbon, Lempira
HARVEST MONTHS:January to April
CUPPING NOTES:Medium acidity, Smooth body, Caramel, Citrus Fruit, Herbal.

Slightly larger than the state of Tennessee, Honduras produces coffee in six main coffee growing regions. In the Casitas district, the COOP CAFESCOR was created by 25 small farmers in 2014 and has grown to over 131 farmers and 400 hectares. The COOP has a wet mill in the community of Las Casitas as well as a dry mill in the community of Jimilile.

Coffee is the main agricultural export crop in the country, over 120,000 farms contribute a third of agricultural GDP.


FARM/COOP:Finca Monte Azul
ALTITUDE:1,200M -1600 M
VARIETAL:Bourbon, Caturra
GRADE:SHG, EP, Organic
HARVEST MONTHS:December to April

Marachi is a group of smallholder farms in Chiapas who mill their coffee at Finca Monte Azul. Chiapas is the Southernmost coffee growing region in Mexico. It boasts an ideal climate and altitude to create perfect conditions for mild, sweet coffee.

CUPPING NOTES:Medium Acidity, Smooth Medium Body. Citrus, Dark Chocolate and Graham Cracker.


PRODUCER:Various Cooperatives
REGION:Jaen, Cajamarca
FARM:400 smallholder farms
VARIETY:Caturra, Typica, Catimor, Mundo Nova, Pache, Bourbon
ALTITUDE:1650 to 1800 mass
CUPPING NOTES:Rich, Dark Chocolate and Almond, with a Heavy Body and a Mellow Acidity.

Rony Lavan is an ambitious and quality driven cupper who has spent his career trying to carve out better and bolder coffees from small producers in Peru. While the country is emerging as a specialty market after many years of focusing on bigger lots and certificatens, Rony’s passion is with identifying and developing th etop scores and the best cups.

As president of the young Lima Coffees exporting organization, Rony has already established himself as standing at the fore of micro-lot quality coffees in Cajamarca. His first year with Lima Coffees he entered the national competition and won. With the introduction of the Cup of Excellence competition to Peru in 2017, the country is poised to enter the international spotlight for its finest offerings.

Our chemical-free decaf comes from a wide variety of origins but all experiencing the same decaffeinating process. This process works through diffusion instead of osmosisutilizing elements of water, temperature, and time. This maintains as many original coffee notes as possible, making the best decaf coffees.